Wednesday, August 19, 2009

dirty towns and unpacking

Yesterday (when I meant to blog originally) it rained all day. Which is alright since I was inside and I didn't feel bad about hiding out inside a house when a beautiful day was just waiting for me. The funny thing about this place is that the rain doesn't feel like it refreshes you. It just feels more dirty.  I swear that it rains mud here. It might be from the oil sands stuff or the fact that the city has a lot of construction going on, but I feel like I haven't been clean since I got here.

I've been spending a lot of time in the new house unpacking it with my mom. We aren't in it yet, but hopefully soon we'll get out of this condo. (I've been living out of a suitcase since I got here.) The nice thing about our house is that it was entirely custom built so its quite unique. The bad thing about our house is that it was entirely custom built and so its quite unique.

Let me explain. We have gorgeous hardwood flooring, its a deep rich brown and quite different from any other I've seen.  The hallways are big and there are a ton of windows that open up as well as everything having a rustic, trendy feeling.  On the flip side, the hallway space makes for very little bedroom space, the basement door blocks an entrance when open, they painted it so dark you need lights at 2 am and every bathroom is missing not only towel racks but also toilet paper holders. My biggest complaint being that, again, my bathroom as no drawers. 
Its funny because the more we go through this house the more we find that these people we weird and left out very normal things. There are also 4 bathrooms with no similarities between them. It looks like every bathroom was designed by someone else for another house and grafted onto this one.

But I still can't wait to get out of this condo. Being downtown and so close to the highway, its always loud and I can't sleep.

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