Friday, October 30, 2009

not dead, yet, soon to be? probably not

I haven't posted in a bit and I think its partially a way of making it seem like I have a life. (Clearly I'm not blogging because I'm too busy to blog, aren't you jealous of me internet?)

Internet I am lying.

Though I've become more busy. A lot of unexpected things have happened, and I mean that is the name of the blog so what else can I say other than its perfect. I've been here for 3 months now (I suppose more three and a half I guess) and things are finally starting to kind of pick up. I think that last week was one of the hardest weeks that I've gone through. The lack of friends was really getting to me and since I was depressed when I came here its not a surprise that I sometimes have bad days.


I've actually started to get more involved with things which is a Big Deal since I'm horribly shy and sometimes I miss out on things. I actually went to a bible study the other night and found it quite enjoyable (which is amazing for me).
The other thing is that I've been doing a lot creatively. At least thinking about it, but as usual I don't have a platform for anything I think up.

This has been my inspiration lately.

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